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MEDDIC Sales Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide to Closing More Deals

Published on
Jun 28, 2024


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Ever wondered how some sales pros consistently hit their targets? It's not just luck – it's a sales methodology called MEDDIC. Think of it as a standardized checklist for qualifying leads that allows you to focus on the beneficial ones. Each step is backed by solid data and tailored strategies.

Learning how to use sales methods like MEDDIC can be the difference between shooting in the dark and hitting the bullseye. With MEDDIC, you're connecting with the right people, at the right time, with the right solution.

In this guide, we're going to show you how you can use MEDDIC to close deals more efficiently, with real stories from the sales frontlines. From identifying key metrics that matter to understanding the art of engaging an economic buyer, we’ve got it all covered.

What is MEDDIC?

Think of MEDDIC as a special recipe for sales success. It's got six main ingredients: 

  1. Metrics
  2. Economic Buyer
  3. Decision Criteria
  4. Decision Process
  5. Identify Pain, and 
  6. Champion. 

Every step is key to helping sales reps work smarter and with better focus.

Back in the 1990s, a company named Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC for short) came up with MEDDIC. They wanted to make selling more organized. And It worked like a charm! MEDDIC helped PTC grow big time, taking their earnings from $300 million all the way up to $1 billion.

Why use a sales-qualifying framework like MEDDIC?

Sales methods like MEDDIC are like having a secret weapon in your sales toolkit. 

Here's why MEDDIC is super helpful:

  • Picking the Best Leads: MEDDIC is like a treasure map that leads you to the best customers – the ones who are more likely to buy what you are selling. This means you are not wasting time on leads that won't go anywhere.
  • Really Getting To Your Customers: It's all about understanding what your customers really need, what bothers them, and how they decide to buy things. MEDDIC is like having a key to unlock what your customers are thinking, so you can make your sales pitch hit the bullseye.

  • Selling Smarter and Faster: With MEDDIC, you focus on the right people and shape your sales talk to meet their exact needs. This can mean more sales and less time spinning your wheels.

  • Keeping Sales on Track: Think of MEDDIC as a GPS for your sales process. It gives you a clear route to follow, which is super helpful for training new salespeople and making sure everyone on your team is on the same page.
  • Better Prediction of Future Sales: Imagine being able to predict your sales like a fortune-teller. MEDDIC helps you make better guesses about how many sales you’ll make and manage your list of potential sales more effectively.

  • Building a Strong Bond with Customers: It's not just about selling; it's about building relationships. MEDDIC helps you tune into your customers' specific needs and how they make decisions, leading to stronger and more meaningful connections.

Ready to dive into what makes MEDDIC so awesome? Let’s explore each segment of this cool framework! 

Exploring the 'Metrics' component in MEDDIC

In the MEDDIC world, 'Metrics' are like the magic formula for top-notch sales performance.   They focus on discovering your customers' priorities and demonstrating how your product can make a difference.

Think of 'Metrics' as the scorecard for your product's value. Here's where you ask:

"What do our customers want to nail?"

Let's say you provide a project management tool. Your customers might want to nail "improving team productivity." You'd ask, "Are you looking to decrease the time it takes to complete projects, or perhaps you're aiming to increase the number of projects your team can handle simultaneously without sacrificing quality?

"How will we know we've hit the mark?"

Continuing with the project management tool scenario, you'd follow up with, "We would know we've hit the mark if we see a 20% reduction in project completion time or a 25% increase in the volume of projects handled per quarter after implementing our tool. Does this align with the improvements you're aiming for?

Selling with metrics is like giving your customers a magnifying glass to see the real value of what you're offering. Let's say your product makes things faster - you can show just how many hours it saves. That’s way more convincing than just saying "It saves time."

A marketing agency used a Guiding Metrics dashboard and their email sales jumped by 53% in just three months. How? They checked factors like which emails were opened most, clicked on a lot, and turned into sales. They also spotted which emails made people unsubscribe.

This helped them figure out the winning formula for their emails. They knew exactly what to send (and what to avoid) to keep their audience hooked.

So, diving into metrics means you're not just guessing what your client needs. You're giving them proof that your solution is the answer to their specific problems. This smart move leads to more deals being sealed and happier customers. 

Identifying and engaging with the 'Economic Buyer'

The 'Economic Buyer' is like the boss of buying things. This person has the power to say yes or no to spending money. It's important to know this person closely to improve the chances of making the deal.

When you chat with the economic buyer, it's all about getting into their shoes. You gotta ask questions like:

"What does a home run look like for you?"

"Who gets to say 'yes' when it's time to buy?"

Pegasystems (Pega), is a software company specializing in customer relationship management and digital process automation. Pega faced the challenge of being too Pega-centric instead of customer-centric. 

To address this, they developed detailed buyer personas to align their marketing and sales teams and better engage their customers. 

This strategic shift led to significant improvements, including a 20%+ increase in interactions with target accounts, a 10%+ increase in marketing-generated leads, and a conversion rate increase from 32% to over 40%

How to make your sales pitch irresistible?

  1. Match Their Goals: Figure out what the economic buyer wants and show how your product can help get them there.
  2. Talk About the Payoff: Emphasize the benefits your product is going to bring them in the long run.
  3. Stand Out from the Crowd: Point out what makes your product different and better than others.
  4. Tackle Their Worries Head-On: Figure out what their concerns are and assure them how those concerns can be solved with your offerings.

  1. Bring the Proof: Use real data, happy customer stories, and case studies to back up how awesome your product is.

Decoding 'Decision' criteria

When it comes to what makes a customer say "yes" to your product, it's all about their decision criteria. Think of it as the checklist they use to pick what to buy. You want to ask questions like:

"What are the must-haves for you in a product?"

"How would you explain this purchase to other key influencers?"

“In an ideal world, what features would make your work life easier”

"When considering a new solution, what aspects do you typically get most excited about?"

"If you were to think about the perfect solution, what kind of impact would it have on your day-to-day tasks?"

To really get what the customer wants, you need to listen well, ask the right questions, and do your homework. This means figuring out what's most important to them. It can be its cost, how good the product is, the support you offer, or how well it works with its existing tech stack.

Take the case of a Chinese steel manufacturer. They were looking for a way to connect with their customers beyond just talking to them. They talked to several employees at their customers' companies and listened to their needs.

A holistic Transformative plan Centered on CX

By conducting interviews, and surveys, and using digital tools, they learned exactly what their customers were looking for. They made changes in things like how they schedule deliveries, logistics, and quality check processes. Their profits went up by 4% and their earnings before interest and taxes rose by 8%. They made their products just right for what their customers wanted.

How to make your product a perfect fit

  1. Customization: Think about tweaking your product or service to fit exactly what different customer segments might need. You can offer different plans or special add-ons.

  1. Value Proposition Enhancement: Be clear about how your product meets the expectations of the customer , like saving money, working better, or being ahead in tech.

  1. Feedback Integration: Regularly collect feedback from your customers. This helps you keep up with what they want and need as things change.

  1. Competitive Analysis: Stay updated with what your competitors are doing. Make sure your product stands out by offering something extra or unique that customers really value.

  1. Collaborative Development: Work together with your customers when you're making new products or making your current ones better. This way, you can be sure you're hitting the mark on what they need.

Mapping the client's 'Decision-making journey'

When it comes to selling, knowing how your client decides to buy is very important. It's like putting together a puzzle of their decision-making steps, from first hearing about your product to finally saying "yes."

Ask questions like:

"Could you walk us through the steps you typically take before arriving at a final decision?"

"What kind of paperwork do you need from us to make things official?"

"In past purchases, what has been the most time-consuming part of the decision process for your team?"

"What milestones or internal reviews does your team need to complete before moving forward with a solution like ours?"

How to make things move faster?

  • Clear Value Proposition: Keep your pitch straightforward and to the point. Clearly show why your product is the right choice.

  • Spot the Decision-Makers: Put your energy into talking with the people who will actually make the call to buy your product.

  • Keep Choices Simple: Give clear, easy-to-understand options. If you're offering a SaaS platform with multiple tiers of service. Think of streamlining offerings into three tiers – basic for startups, professional for growing businesses, and enterprise for large organizations. This helps avoid too much back-and-forth and makes deciding easier.

  • Have Info Ready to Go: Make sure any info they might need to decide is on hand and easy to get.

  • Follow Up Smartly: Check in frequently to keep things rolling, but don't overdo it – nobody likes to be pestered.

'Identify' pain points

Figuring out what really bothers your clients is key to making your product or service just right for them. Start by asking:

"How is this issue impacting your business revenue and strategies?"

"What if things  stay the same?"

Take Pitstop, for example. A predictive maintenance platform that uses AI and machine learning to provide transportation industry insights. They wanted to get more people using their platform and make their website better. So, they teamed up with the MaRS Market Intelligence to really get what was bugging their customers.

The research process involved developing user personas, conducting interviews, and analyzing data. 

Research Process For Developing User Persona

They created profiles of different types of users, talked to them, and dug deep into the data. This helped them find out the unique problems each type of user had. With this info, Pitstop could make their offer much more spot-on for each customer.

Making your solution fit like a glove

When you know what your clients are struggling with, you can shape your solution to fit their needs perfectly. Here's how:

  • Tailor Your Features: Change up or add new features to your product that tackle these problems head-on.

  • Make Using It a Breeze: Tweak how your product works and how customers interact with it so it's super easy and solves their issues.

  • Smooth Out the Rough Spots: If your clients are getting bogged down by slow or fiddly tasks, find ways to make those easier or automatic.

  • Personal Touch: Offer solutions that are specially made for different types of clients, depending on what they need the most help with.

Understanding 'Champion' dynamics

In the MEDDIC sales method, having a 'Champion' is super important. This is someone inside your client's company who really gets what your product can do and is all about helping you make the sale. They're like your behind-the-scenes hero.

When you're chatting with a potential champion, try asking:

"What's grabbing your attention about our product?"

"In your experience, what kind of solution elements tend to drive the most value for your team?"

"What aspects of a solution like ours typically stand out to you in your industry?"

How to make the most of champions:

  • Spot your champions early: Keep an eye out for folks who are really into what you're offering and get why it's great.

  • Grow your relationship: Work on building a strong, trusting relationship with your champion. Keep in touch and support them where you can.

  • Give them the right tools: Make sure your champion has all the info and materials they need to talk up your product like a pro.

  • Hear them out: Champions often have insights on what the decision-makers are thinking and how you can tweak your pitch to make it just right.

  • Say thanks: Don't forget to show how much you value all the hard work they're putting in to help you. A little appreciation can go a long way.

Now, let's look at a case study about how DataRobot gave their sales a serious boost. 

Case Study: DataRobot's Transformation with MEDDIC

DataRobot, an enterprise AI platform provider, faced growth-related challenges. Their sales team, a mix of veteran and new staff, struggled with internal disconnects and a lack of common language, causing friction and inefficiencies. They needed a unified approach to better navigate their transition from an endpoint solution to a more comprehensive end-to-end solution provider.

Enter MEDDIC, a neat sales framework. 

They rolled it out through an app in Salesforce, making it a part of their everyday chat. The goal? Get everyone, from the veterans to the newbies, speaking the same sales language.

They started this makeover in June, and by around September/November, they’d get their sales group of 120 through the MEDDIC training. The plan? Get the whole company of 400+ on board soon.

Team alignment, notably management, improved after MEDDIC implementation. It standardized deal review, inspection, and forecasting. This new unified approach helped staff embrace client cultures and work toward a supportive, future-focused strategy. 

Boosting sales with Oliv and MEDDIC

Want to take your sales game to the next level? Pairing an AI sales assistant like Oliv with the MEDDIC framework is like adding rocket fuel to your sales strategy. 

  1. Metrics: Let Oliv dive into your sales chats and fish out key metrics. This fits perfectly with MEDDIC's 'Metrics' bit. Find out what really matters to your customers and focus there.

  1. Spot the big decision-maker: By analyzing the sales conversation, Oliv figures out who is the economic buyer in your client’s company. 

  1. Decoding customer choices: Oliv can look into your past wins and guide you to implement what clicked with customers. Use this to make your pitches and demos hit the right notes, tailored to what customers want.

  1. Smoothing the buying journey: Oliv organizes all the info from your talks with customers, helping you map out their decision-making process. This means your sales strategies are in tune with their buying steps, making everything flow faster.

  1. Finding the pain points: Oliv spots your customers’ concerns to help you focus on demonstrating how your product can solve those. 

  1. Cheering for champions: Oliv helps you find the 'Champions' inside a customer's company - the ones who are already fans of what you're selling. These insights help your team focus on building relationships with these key supporters.

  1. Training and growing with Oliv: Use Oliv to gain superior sales insights. It highlights what works and what doesn't, allowing your team to continually improve.

  1. Enhanced maintenance with CRM integration: Oliv integrates seamlessly with CRM systems, providing a comprehensive overview of your sales process, and ensuring consistent alignment with each MEDDIC step. This integration ensures data-driven decision-making and streamlined sales management.

  1. Guidance on the go: Oliv gives real-time tips during sales calls. It's like having a wise coach whispering in your ear, making sure you cover all the bases while you chat with customers.

  1. Evolving your sales playbook: Keep refining your MEDDIC strategy with insights from Oliv. It's all about staying agile and in tune with what your B2B SaaS customers need right now.

With Oliv and MEDDIC working together, you’re set to make your sales strategy smarter, more focused, and way more effective.

MEDDIC's powerful impact and long-term benefits

Let's wrap up what we've learned about MEDDIC and why it's a game-changer in the sales world:

  • MEDDIC is like a roadmap to sales success, breaking down the process into clear, manageable steps.
  • It's all about understanding your customers deeply – from what they really need to who makes the buying decisions.
  • Real-life stories, like that of Pegasystems, show us how focusing on these aspects can lead to significant growth and success.
  • For SDRs, MEDDIC isn't just a one-hit wonder. It's a strategy that keeps giving. By really getting into the nitty-gritty of customer needs and decision-making, SDRs can see better conversion rates and stronger customer relationships over time.

Do you have any stories or questions about using MEDDIC? We'd love to hear them! Sharing experiences helps us all grow. If you found this insight helpful, don't forget to subscribe or follow us for more tips and tricks in the sales world. Stay in the loop and keep boosting your sales game!

Your Questions Answered: MEDDIC FAQs

1. What's the difference between MEDDIC, MEDDICC, and MEDDPICC?

MEDDIC, created in 1995, has evolved to keep up with the changing technology landscape. The complexity of modern procurement processes, which now often involve subscription models, privacy and security considerations, and service level agreements, has necessitated this evolution.

MEDDIC: This is the foundational framework focused on the essential elements of the sales qualification process.

MEDDICC: Adds consideration of the Competition to the original MEDDIC framework. This means that sales teams now need to understand their competitors as part of the sales qualification process.

MEDDPICC: Goes a step further by adding the Paper Process to MEDDICC, acknowledging the administrative and bureaucratic steps that are part of closing deals.

Sales teams may customize the "P" (Paper Process) and "C" (Competition) aspects of MEDDIC, but the framework's adaptability is a key reason for its enduring success in sales organizations. This adaptability ensures that MEDDIC remains relevant even as sales processes and technologies evolve.

2. Is MEDDIC applicable to all types of B2B SaaS sales?

MEDDIC is versatile and can be applied across various B2B SaaS sales scenarios. Its principles are universal in understanding and catering to customer needs, although the application may vary slightly depending on specific industry requirements and customer profiles.

3. How can MEDDIC improve forecasting in sales?

By using MEDDIC, sales teams can more accurately qualify leads and understand the probability of deal closures. This leads to more reliable sales forecasting, as the approach is based on concrete criteria and a deeper understanding of the customer’s decision-making process.

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