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Sales productivity metrics to track

Published on
Jun 28, 2024


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We all have those days where we seem busy but somehow don't get much done. It's like something's secretly stealing our time every day. How do we beat this feeling on such days?

Here's the thing: tracking productivity is not about working more hours; it's about making those hours count. And guess what? With a few simple metrics, you can turn your day from boring to super productive and still have time to enjoy that well-deserved cup of coffee.

In this upbeat guide, we will talk about some important productivity metrics to track. These are clear, simple, and super relatable ways to measure how well you're doing. Let's get started!

Key sales productivity metrics for businesses to track

Productivity metrics are not just numbers and graphs; they can significantly improve your business's performance. Let's understand a few key metrics that can transform the way you look at your business's productivity.

1. Sales revenue

This is your scoreboard. It's the total income your business earns from sales activities. Watching this number go up is a sign you're gaining ground in the market. It's straightforward – higher sales revenue equals business growth and increased market share.

2. Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

CAC shows how much you've spent to get each new customer through the door. It's a reality check for your sales and marketing efforts, ensuring you're not spending more to acquire a customer than they're worth.

3. Customer lifetime value (CLTV)

CLTV predicts the future value of your relationships. It estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer throughout their relationship. This metric is a cornerstone for long-term planning, helping you decide how much to invest in keeping your customers happy.

4. Conversion rate

This metric is all about effectiveness. It measures the percentage of leads that turn into customers. A high conversion rate means your sales process and marketing efforts are hitting the mark. If it's low, it might be time to reevaluate your approach.

5. Customer retention rate

It's easier and cheaper to keep an existing customer than to find a new one. This metric measures how well you're doing at this, showing the percentage of customers who stick around. High retention rates often signal customer satisfaction and product or service quality.

6. Net promoter score (NPS)

NPS gauges customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking one simple question: How likely are you to recommend us to a friend? The answers can help predict business growth and show you how well you're meeting customer needs.

7. Sales cycle length

This metric tells you how long it takes to turn a lead into a customer. Short sales cycles are generally better, indicating your sales process is efficient. If it's taking too long, it might be time to streamline your approach.

8. Sales pipeline coverage

This is about ensuring you have enough potential deals in your pipeline to meet future sales targets. It compares the current sales pipeline to the quota, helping you forecast whether you're on track to meet your goals.

Sales productivity metrics for sales professionals

In a world where distractions are a tap away, it's easy to confuse activity with productivity. Tracking the right productivity metrics can transform that endless busywork into real, satisfying progress. 

1. Leads generated

This metric shows the number of new potential customers each sales rep is bringing in. It's a direct reflection of their effort and initiative in expanding the business's reach. More leads mean more opportunities to sell.

2. Average deal size

This measures the average revenue each sale brings in. It highlights the value each sales rep adds to the business with their deals. Larger average deals mean your team is maximizing the value of each customer interaction.

3. Quota attainment

This straightforward metric shows which sales reps are meeting or exceeding their targets. It's a clear indicator of performance, rewarding those who are contributing most to the company's sales goals.

4. Win/loss rate

By comparing the number of deals won to those lost, this ratio provides insights into a sales rep's effectiveness. It helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring your team becomes more successful over time.

5. Sales activity metrics

This category includes the nuts and bolts of sales efforts: calls made, emails sent, meetings scheduled, and proposals delivered. It's a window into the daily activities of your sales team, showing who's really putting in the work to close deals.

6. Productivity per sales rep

Finally, this measures the output (revenue or deals closed) per salesperson. It highlights the efficiency and effectiveness of each team member, showing who's really driving results for your business.

So, why not start tracking these metrics today? With the right approach and tools, you'll not only feel more productive but actually be more productive. Remember, it's not about being busy—it's about being effective.

Leveraging Technology to Track Productivity Metrics

1. Time management and tracking

Homepage screenshot for Toggl Track, advertising their frictionless time tracking software for teams, with a visual of the interface and a call to "Start tracking for free."

a) Toggl Track

Offers simple time tracking with powerful reporting. It's great for freelancers and teams wanting to see where their time goes.

b) RescueTime

Runs in the background of your device, tracking time spent on apps and websites, giving you an accurate picture of your day.

c) Clockify

A free time tracker and timesheet app for teams of any size. It allows you to track hours, generate reports, and bill clients.

2. Project management and organization

Homepage screenshot for Trello, emphasizing its capability to consolidate tasks, teammates, and tools in one place.

a) Asana

A project management tool that helps teams organize, track, and manage their work tasks and projects in one shared space.

b) Trello

Uses boards, lists, and cards to help organize and prioritize projects in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way.


A Work OS that powers teams to run projects and workflows with confidence. It's a simple but intuitive tool that enables people to manage work, meet deadlines, and build a culture of transparency.

3. Sales efficiency and task management

Oliv AI is an An all-encompassing sales automation software designed to minimize the time spent on client research, follow-ups, and various other sales processes.

a) Obsidian

A knowledge management tool that turns your notes into a connected web of information, enabling you to think, write, and organize your thoughts more effectively, ensuring your ideas interlink seamlessly.

b) Oliv AI

An overall sales automation software that reduces time spent on client research, follow-up process and much more.

c) Notion

An all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate, and get organized - it allows you to take notes, add tasks, manage projects & more.

4. Habit and focus enhancers

Website header for the Forest app, promoting focus and presence.

a) Forest

An app designed to help you stay focused on the important things in life. Whenever you want to focus, plant a tree. Your tree will grow while you focus on your work, leaving you with a lovely forest if you stay on track.

b) Focus@Will

A productivity platform that uses music scientifically optimized to help you focus and reduce distractions.

Final thoughts

So, there we have it- From understanding the importance of tracking our productivity to diving into the specifics of which metrics to keep an eye on, we've covered a lot of ground.

The more we understand about our habits, our time, and the work we do, the better equipped we are to make meaningful changes. And isn't that the goal? To not just move through our days on autopilot but to steer our ship with purpose and direction.

The tools and software we've discussed—Toggl Track, RescueTime, Asana, and all their digital brethren—they help us cut through the noise, focus on what matters, and ultimately, find more time for the things we love.

But remember, at the heart of all this technology and all these metrics is you. Your goals, your progress, and your well-being. So, as we close this guide, let's not forget to be more present, more engaged, and more satisfied with our work and our lives. Stay productive!

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